
作者:jasmine老师来源:朗阁教育时间:2020-04-14 16:38:18.920

摘要: 雅思阅读备考中,考生需要掌握的考点比较多,今天小编为大家带来的是雅思阅读考点分类解析内容,希望通过实际例子的分析讲解能帮助大家更容易理解和掌握,接下来我们来学习一下南京朗阁小编为大家带来的雅思阅读考点讲解内容。


  1. 否定词、消极词(划线部分黑色字体为定位词,红色字体为考点词)

  真题还原:Cambridge 8Test 1Passage 2 Question24

  原题摘录:Class Fairspace is airspace which i**elow 365m and not nearairports.

  原文对应:E In general, from365mabove the ground and higher, the entire country i**lanketed bycontrolled airspace. Incertain areas, mainly nearairports, controlled airspaceextends down to 215mabove the ground, and in the immediate vicinity of anairport,all the way down to the surface.

  G … Uncontrolledairspace isdesignated Class F…


  解析:本题主要考查的是Class Fairspace的范围,利用定位词Class F和below365m回原文对应,会发现信息跨越两个段落,因而有些难。两段分别告诉我们不同的信息:G段告诉我们ClassF是非管制区,而E段则告诉我们控制区在365m以上,离机场近的地方都是。因而可以反推出ClassF在365m以下且离机场不近。本题中below 365m和not near airports既算定位词又算考点词,其中below和not都算否定或消极类的词汇。遇及此类考点词,一定要注意与原文进行对比。

  2. 时间、顺序

  真题还原1:Cambridge 8 Test 1Passage 2 Question 22

  原题摘录:Beacons andflashinglights are still used by ATC today.

  原文对应:As early asthe1920s,the earliest air trafficcontrollers manually guided aircraft in the vicinityof theairports, using lights and flags, while beacons and flashinglightswere placed along cross-country routes to establish theearliest airways.


  解析:本题主要考查的是如今是否还在使用beacons and flashinglights作为空中航行的指引。题目中的一般现在时和时间today尤为重要。在文中只是说过去有用到这些设备,却并未提到如今是否有用。二者并无交集,算不上矛盾,故答案为NOTGIVEN。这就好比说,过去的他很帅,难道如今他就一定还帅又或者一定不帅了吗?不一定吧?在剑桥真题中关于时间方面的考查当真不少,值得引起重视。

  真题还原2:Cambridge 9 Test 1Passage 1 Question 1

  原题摘录:MichaelFaraday was thefirst person to recognize Perkin’s ability as a student ofchemistry.

  原文对应:His talent anddevotionto the subject were perceived by histeacher, ThomasHall, who encouraged him to attend aseries of lectures given by theeminent scientist MichaelFaraday at the Royal Institution.



  3. 比较级

  真题还原1:Cambridge 8 Test 2Passage 1 Question 13

  原题摘录:Computers arebetter than humansat detecting faults inglass.

  原文对应:Automatedon-lineinspectiondoes two things. …Inspection technology allows more than 100 millionmeasurements asecond to be made across the ribbon, locating flaws theunaidedeye would be unable to see.


  解析:这道题比较难。主要是定位难:题目中的定位词——computers被替换成了automated on-lineinspection, humans也为unaided eye所取代,较多同学反应不过来。其中的考点词better也没有那么直接说明,是通过说电脑可以检测肉眼看不见的错误来体现的。



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