
作者:jasmine老师来源:朗阁时间:2024-03-22 11:52:13


 小作文: 静态图(饼图)

  大作文: Not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What are the reasons for this problem? What are the effects on society?


  1.本次考试 难度中等。


  Task 1:静态图(pie)两个饼图,有关1958和2008人们在白天做的各项活动的时间占比(工作和睡觉占比***大)。

  注意:1. 静态图要注意审题,充足体现对比关系,占比的表达要准确。2. 注意正文段落是否将不同活动之间的的关系所呈现的特点清晰展示出来。3.静态图要注意对比关系的多样性表达,同时有整体的概括型,不可写成流水账。相关表达:

  占据(动词):account for/ occupy/take up/make up/constitute + 数%

  比例(名词):proportion / rate / percentage

  A +比较级+ than + B with 数据1 and 数据2 respectively

  A +be动词+数据1,which +be动词+比较级+B(数据2)

  A+***高级+with+数据+among all the +剩余对象

  Task 2 :教育类




  In contemporary world, some countries have witnessed a shortage of students opting for science curriculum in colleges. There are two principal reasons resulting in this phenomenon, and it would have some notable impacts on society.


  The first cause which discourages youngsters from enrolling in science subjects is low earning potential.(**个原因是较低的收效) In some countries, workers working for science fields would be not only controlled by the government,(在一些国家,科学相关的工作由政府来控制) but they also receive salaries from it, which are not high as from private or multinational corporations.(同时普遍收入也没有那么高 )For example, according to the survey in 2021, some Vietnam's scientists researching agriculture or forest gained a monthly amount of 10 million Vietnamese Dong, which was insufficient to meet all basic demands in their lives. (举例说明)Secondly, some education systems produce ineffective outcomes.(第二个原因是教育形式不够有效) To be precise, exam-driven curriculum in some states does not provide learners with hands-on experiences, (重例论轻实践)which deprives them of several opportunities to apply for high-profile organizations or lets them face confusion at work.(难以胜任工作)


  Regarding significant impacts, firstly, this tendency leads to a strong reduction of beneficial initiatives satisfying the population's needs.(不能满足人们的需求,对生活产生影响) For instance, if the authorities make a decision on create viable solutions to deal with consequences of climate change, this could be impossible to be undertaken due to a lack of qualified scientists who refuse the government's low financial investment.(当遇到一些需要解决的科学问题,没有充足的专业人员) The second impact is the administration's weakened credibility in society.(会失去人们对社会的可靠度) For example, civilians tend to believe in science field of other countries because their universities attract a high number of outstanding students over the world. Thereby, they would consume science's products produced by those countries rather than their ones.(因为自己的国家没有杰出的科学家,所以人们会信任别的国家,也只会消费别的国家的科学产品)


  In conclusion, low income and inappropriate university course prevent a large number of students from accessing to science subjects in several nations. Consequently, this leads to a shortage of qualified employees in those countries, and lessen their credibility in society.






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